Sæt X i kalenderen til Nordic Working Life Conference 2024 NYHEDSBREV
Temaet er: Nordic Working Life at a CrossroadArrangørerne er denne gang fra Arbejdslivsstudier ved RUC – og de inviterer alle som beskæftiger sig med arbejdsliv i norden.
Den 14. til 16. August 2024 på Roskilde Universitetscenter, Roskilde.
Temaet i stikord: Samfunds- og teknologisk udvikling – herunder AI og platformsarbejde – nye værdiansættelser af arbejde – mangel på arbejdskraft og nye måder at organisere arbejdet på.
Arrangørerne skriver: Nordic Working Life at a Crossroad? “This will be the overarching framing of the 2024-version of the Nordic Working Life Conference. Societal developments are reconfiguring taken for granted elements of working life and working life studies: Technological developments with for example AI and platform work, new valorizations of work as when the less work movement meet workfare, and macro developments such as labor shortage and new ways of organizing work-capital relations. What happens to the workplace, traditionally a cornerstone of both development of and research on working life in the Nordic countries, when faced with these and other developments? What does it mean for workplace learning, collectivity, and democracy? What happens to the content and conceptualization of work, let alone professionalism, meaning and identity? And where does it leave industrial relations, collective rights, and labor market policy?
Tilmeldingside afventer – Vi opdaterer når der kommer nye oplysninger.